Monday, September 10, 2012

Tomato: fruit or vegetable??

                       Do you ever wonder about tomato, either it is a fruit or a vegetable?

Lets check this out..


The first thing that we need to know is, what makes a fruit a fruit, and a vegetable a vegetable. To figure it out, we need an important question, does it has seeds?
If the answers is YES, then it is a fruit (botanically).. so, tomato is a fruit..
This is just the same that makes cucumber, walnut, squash and green bean as fruit as well. 
Along with the fruit from a plant or tree, we can often eat the leaves, stems, roots, and flowers. Many of these other parts of the plant are typically known as vegetable. 
                leaves ( lettuce)
                stems (celery)
                roots ( carrots)
                flowers ( broccoli)
However, if you go to supermarkets or grocery stores to buy some tomatoes, don't simply go to fruit section that has apples, oranges and other fruits, because tomatoes are referred  as vegetables in there.

Now you now the fact!
You are awesome!

1 comment:

  1. Muhammad,

    I'm still stumped by the identity crisis of the tomato even after all these years. :)

    If you were to teach elementary students this lesson, how would you go about it via a computer demonstration?

