Tuesday, December 4, 2012

What I enjoyed most from Will Gimer 's guest lecture.

Will Gilmer came to my AIS 4203 classroom few weeks ago to talk about the uses of social media in agriculture area.

There are several things that I enjoyed during his lecture. One of them was his video singing on his tractor. It was a nice song.
I also enjoyed with the video about the election for cow president. He compare the cow with US President Barrack Obama and Mitt Romney.
One more thing is about his achievement in a competition  that was held in New York (if I not mistaken). He got to be top nine to win the main price.
He really did a good job to use social media to talk about agriculture area.

I wish him all the best!!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

weed control

I am not talking about the illegal weed, but this is about how to control the weed that affect our crops.
There are several methods to control the weed.

There are five general weed control categories
–Preventative weed control
–Cultural weed control
–Mechanical weed control
–Biological weed control
–Chemical weed control

 But in this post, I will just talk about the preventative weed control

•Preventative weed control is aimed at preventing weed spread by seed or by vegetative propagules to area where that weed was not present
•Other methods of weed control have overshadowed this concept
•Threshold concept has also de-emphasized preventative weed control
            1. Quarantines
 –Quarantines are used to isolate and prevent the dissemination of noxious weeds
•Example is witchweed, which was introduced in North Carolina in 1950’s and was the first weed to placed under federal and state quarantines to prevent it’s spread

           2.Seed Laws
        Federal Seed Act (1939)
–Purpose was to protect purchasers from mislabeled or contaminated crop seeds
–Required that the following information be provided on seed labels
•% of pure seed of the named crop
•% of contaminants
•name and rate of any noxious weeds present
–Created a list of nine noxious weeds that were prohibited from entering the US as contaminants
–Prohibited crops seeds containing more than 2% weed seeds of all kinds from entering the US

         Federal Noxious Weed Act (1974)
–Signed into law in 1974, but was not actually funded until 1979
–Imposed more strict regulations to prevent the introduction of foreign seed into the US
–Increased noxious weed list to 33
–Authorized inspections at ports of entry, weed surveys, and eradication and quarantine measures by USDA/APHIS PPQ officers.

         Mississippi Pure Seed Law (1964)
–Each state has it’s own seed laws to regulate the quality of seeds sold within it’s borders
–MS State seed law states that no agricultural seed shall be sold containing more than 2.5% by weight of weed seed

Aside from quarantines and seed laws other preventative measures include:
–Not allowing weed to reproduce
–Do not bring in weed infested soil, mulch, or manure to clean areas
–Clean tillage, mowing, and harvesting equipment before moving them to un-infested areas
–Do not bury seeds or vegetative reproductive structures in un-infested areas

Monday, November 26, 2012

once upon a time...

 I got this story from my plant science class...                               

                              A long time ago 
• For about 4 million years early man a hunter gatherer.
• Agriculture a relatively recent innovation/ and developed about 10,000 years ago in several places. - This corresponds with the end of the last ice age and a change in global climate.
• Valvilov a Russian geneticist hypothesized that there were a limited number of places in the
world in which crops originated.
• Generally these places are in tropical, or subtropical regions, at a middle elevation, in areas of varied topographies.
• In many of these places a diet consisting of a cereal grain and a legume emerged.

  Farm Like an Egyptian
• The Egyptians developed technologies for drainage, irrigation, land preparation, and food storage about 5,500 years ago.
• 4,000 years ago Greeks began to classify plants – early botanists
• 2,500 to 1,500 years ago the Romans developed efficient agricultural systems that were the cornerstone of their strength

Saved by the Monks
• Much of Roman technology and knowledge were lost to most Europeans until the Renaissance.Monks in monasteries kept this knowledge alive

lets sing..

Banana and potato are the products of agricultural..
Both have specific benefits to people when people eat them..
Generally, potato is in carbohydrates food type, while banana is in vitamins  food type.

But, in this post, I want all my readers to sing a song, about banana and potato


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

cereal..did you know?

I love to eat cereal for my breakfast. It was very delicious..
I believe most of you love to eat cereal too but did you know that cereal is made out of cereal?

Cereal is usually used to describe our breakfast, however, the word cereal also means rice, wheat, maize and oats.





In case you were wondering if corn was a cereal too, the answer is a definitely yes. But, corn is just a word used to mean the most common cereal in an area or country.
For example, in Australia an Europe, corn means wheat.
The actual name for our corn is maize.

Eat more cereal!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Last Saturday, my friends and I went fishing at one dam in Columbus. That was the first time we fishing in United States.
Before that, we bought fishing rod and fishing stuffs on Thursday. Actually, this is one of the activity that we planned to do for Fall break. We were very excited to try this fishing activity.
We move from Starkville to Columbus at 7.15 a.m and arrived there around 7.45 am. One of the best thing was, we did not check the weather forecast and temperature outside before we move. So, I did not bring any sweater. Last Saturday was freaking cold, plus the strong wind was increasing the coldness. Luckily, my friend has one extra sweater in his car.
The strong wind really did not help us to catch any fish. I lost two hooks and baits because they were stuck at the rocks in the water.
Two hours later, around 11 am, we changed location to Noxubee. The wind still strong, but better than Columbus. Unfortunately, the fishes there were not hungry at that time. So, we went home without any fish.

my friends

But for me, it was very interesting experience because I learned how to use the fishing rod successfully, after failed many time. The rod that I use is the one that the professional fisher use, so, as a beginner, I quite proud of myself. Then, I realized that fishing really need us to be very patient especially when the hook stuck on wood or we see somebody get the fish while we don't.
We are planning to go to Noxubee again this Saturday, depends on the weather. Hopefully, we will have a better luck.

Sorry that this week no post related to farm.. have a nice day =)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

food and health

This post will be a simple post, but meaningful

People nowadays seem to have forgotten that they should eat based on what their body need, not what they want. (need vs want)
One simple way is follow the food pyramid for daily food intake.

This pyramid shows what we need to eat most, more, moderately and less.

So, please be careful with what you eat. Love your body before it is too late ^_^

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The amazing garlic

Anybody here hates garlic? why?  because it cause bad breath? 

In this entry, i will reveal some benefits of garlic that may open up your mind to eat garlic. =)

1) It can be anti-infection to boost immune system.

2) Can help to prevent cancer.

3) Fights inflammation

4) Good for detoxification ( remove toxins from body)

5) Cure toothache

6) Repel mosquitoes

7) Heal cough.

9) Lower blood pressure and cholesterol level.

10) Natural antibiotic.

11) Improve our metabolism of iron.

and many more.....

So ladies and gentlemen, eat more garlic for your health..say Hi to Mr. Garlic ^_^

For more informations about garlic, visit these links:

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Apple or Orange?

What is in your thought when you see this picture? (I found this in Facebook)

apple or orange?

If we see from the outside, it is an apple, but the inside is an orange. Generally, people know that apple is sweet, and orange is sour. 

I don't want to discuss about the taste or characteristics for both apple and orange, but I want to relate this picture with our life (based on my experience and knowledge).
 Before that, I apologize if there are many grammar errors.

1.Don't judge a person by his/her appearance, because we don't know his/her interest..

2.Some people just smile because they don't want other people to see their sadness.

3. In some organizations/ companies, they must have some problems even though other people outside see them as successful organization/ company.

4. In healthy aspect, not all skinny people are away from diseases, I mean obesity. 

5. As a student, when teacher asks if there any question, students will say no, meanwhile, they don't know what to ask..  

6. In every sweet memories, there must be some unsweet memories.

7. Not all the good things that we see are good until we know the truth of that things. (vice versa)

So, just be sincere with what we do. Have a nice day ^_^

Monday, September 10, 2012

Tomato: fruit or vegetable??

                       Do you ever wonder about tomato, either it is a fruit or a vegetable?

Lets check this out..


The first thing that we need to know is, what makes a fruit a fruit, and a vegetable a vegetable. To figure it out, we need an important question, does it has seeds?
If the answers is YES, then it is a fruit (botanically).. so, tomato is a fruit..
This is just the same that makes cucumber, walnut, squash and green bean as fruit as well. 
Along with the fruit from a plant or tree, we can often eat the leaves, stems, roots, and flowers. Many of these other parts of the plant are typically known as vegetable. 
                leaves ( lettuce)
                stems (celery)
                roots ( carrots)
                flowers ( broccoli)
However, if you go to supermarkets or grocery stores to buy some tomatoes, don't simply go to fruit section that has apples, oranges and other fruits, because tomatoes are referred  as vegetables in there.

Now you now the fact!
You are awesome!

Monday, September 3, 2012


I want to share something that I learned last week. I learned about horses.
Actually, there are several terms that we should know about horses. 

Species                          -horses
Group                            -band
Adjective                       -equine
Genus & species            -Equus caballus
Act of parturition            -foaling
General term for young   -foal
Young male                    -colt
Young female                 -filly
Mature male                   -stallion
Mature female                -mare
Castrated male               -gelding  

So, we cannot simply call a horse as horse =)

There are several breeds that I learned.

1) American Quarter Horse

2) American Saddelbred

3) Appaloosa

4) Arabian

5) Morgan

6) Standardbred

7) Tennessee Walking Horse


9) Paint and Pinto (overo)

10) Paint and Pinto (tobiano)

11) Palomino

Learning about horses was very interesting for me. I never ride them and I feel excited to try, at least once.

Monday, August 27, 2012

lets start our day with this song!!

                                               FARM IT MAYBE

hope you guys enjoy it  =)